Regen-Media TV Network

”Build Back Green”

A non-profit fundraiser and solution based broadcast on regenerative re-design for the Maui fire and its victims.

Sunday September 24th 1-5pm PST

Global Summit & Fundraiser

Featuring Indigenous speakers, sustainability experts, regenerative design consultants, civic leaders and solutionaries.

To Donate by TEXT:

TEXT g2g to the number 26989

Donations to Date:

$15,000 Life Cubes
$5000 Furniture
$2000 $ Sponsors

Goal is $200,000
Web Designer 2%
0 K

Victims Affected

0 +

Organizations Working

0 %

Crisis Status

Our Goal is to Help Maui Victims

Why we are taking this Initiative?

With the recent wildfire in Maui and catastrophic events around the world, humanity is awakening to the devastating reality of the old paradigm and the need for innovative new solutions. The paradigm of poor design, over development, food and water insecurity, mismanagement. destructive & extractive commercial practices, power grid issues, un-sustainability and need for individuals in communities to step up. This event will focus on that !!

Regen-Media TV Network

Immediate Release of Launch of Content

Announcing the Sept 24th, 2023 1-5pm PT launch of RMTV ( Regenerative Media TV ) This will be a live broadcast called “Build Back Green’ The broadcast is an educational program about regenerative and sustainable solutions for the redesign and rebuild for victims of the recent Maui fire. It will also be a fund raiser for 3 non profits on the island. These being Green2Gold, Indigenous Bridges and others. .


Build Green Live Broadcasting


Invest for a goodwill and help a hand.


Awareness regarding the situation of maui fire victims

"Dedicated to regenerative solution based education partnered with

experiential learning and opportunities”

Leiven Hwang, Director Indigenous Bridges, Founder hch International & AWOVEN
Kimokeo Kapahulehua, President Kimokeo Foundation
Honorable Bikenibeu Paeniu, Ambassador of Tuvalu to Taiwan
Do Good

Join Our Mission to Improve
the World


Empowering Global Regenerative Skills through Media

Collaboration, partnership and business people hands in support of global mission at team building .
Food and Drinking Water
for the Needy
Food and Drinking Water
for the Needy
Food and Drinking Water
for the Needy
Food and Drinking Water
for the Needy
Food and Drinking Water
for the Needy
Food and Drinking Water
for the Needy
Food and Drinking Water
for the Needy
Food and Drinking Water
for the Needy
Our Mission

Nurturing a Green Culture for a Sustainability

An internationally crafted independent media hub focused on the various categories of regenerative culture. Topics will be TEK/Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Arts & Culture, Environment, Renewable Energy, Health & Wellness, Agriculture ( food & water security) Green Economics, Spirituality, Peace & Justice, and Collaborative Governance. This effort will supporting the Transition to the inclusive global Green Economy. This media hub will aggregate content from around the world and will be available for an international audience. There will be dozens of content contributors and licensing partnerships. We will also have an alliance of production people to create specific content for subject matter that is timely and pertinent.

0 +
Different Projects Done with the Help of Donators
0 %
We Were Able to Help for Variety of Reasons

Contact Us

Connect on our social media
Phone: 413-374-6531
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